Monday, December 29, 2008

Lord, Make Me A Blessing.



"Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing." (Gen. 12:1,2 KJV).

As children of God, we are part of the covenant of Abraham. It is God's will to bless us. But, an important condition to the blessing promised to Abraham was that he would not only be blessed, but that he also would be a blessing till all families of the earth are blessed.

As I thought about the new year and goals that I would like to meet, I immediately remembered a message I had heard several years ago. The preacher spoke on being a blessing. He mentioned in his sermon that we should ask God to make us a blessing everyday. The preacher said this would change our lives completely. After I heard that message, I began to pray everday that God would make me a blessing. I prayed that I would be so tuned in to God that I would hear his voice when he prompts me to be a blessing. I prayed that God would show me ways in every situation how I could make a difference in peoples lives. After I prayed that everday for several months, I began to see doors open for me to jump right in to bless someone. At times it was just chance to say something encouraging to strangers in the line at the store. I began to feel much bolder to speak what God laid on my heart. I began to get such a zeal to witness to people in any way that I could even if it was just a friendly gesture.

Now after several years, God has laid it on my heart to start praying that same prayer again. It is my goal to be bless more people this year than ever before. I pray that God lays it upon your heart to walk through doors that you have never walked through before so that you can be a blessing to some one. You will never truly know what kind of a blessing you are to someone just by saying the simplist things that God lays on your heart to say to people. It could just be a hello, or God bless you or even letting someone know you are praying for them. Sometimes those kind of comments can really bless someone.

It is not necessary to do or say something really extravagent just to bless someone. It can be those little things you do each day that can have the greatest impact on a persons life. I encourage you to be open in every moment of every day to act on the things that God lays on your heart to do or say. It will not only change others lives but it will also make a great change in you forever.

Sunday, December 28, 2008




Below is an amazing word from T. D. Jakes that I want to share with you.

By T. D. Jakes.

Happy New Year to all my friends!!!!

There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this!

When people can walk away from you,

let them walk.

I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you. I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you,

let them walk.

Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. The bible said that, they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not for us. For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]

People leave you because they are not joined to you. And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.

Let them go.

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person, it just means that their part in the story is over. And you've got to know when people's part in your story is over so that you don't keep trying to raise the dead. You've got to know when it's dead. You've got to know when it's over.

Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift, I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it.

Stop begging people to stay.

Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life, then you need to......


If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ......


If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth.....


If someone has angered you.


If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge......


If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction......

LET IT GO!!! (Okay, now that's on you!)

If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or talents


If you! you have a bad attitude.......


If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......


If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new level in Him......


If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship.......


If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help themselves......


If you're feeling depressed and stressed .........


If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to......


Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.

GOD is doing a new thing for 2008!!!


Get Right or Get Left .. think about it, and then.


"The Battle is the Lord's!"

During the next 60 seconds, Stop whatever you are doing, and take this opportunity. (Literally it is only ONE minute!)

All you have to do is the following: You simply say "The Lords Prayer" for the person that sent you this message (or shared it with you):

The Lords Prayer:

Our Father, who are't in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come,Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever. Amen.

Next, send (or share) this message to everyone you know. In a while, more people will have prayed for you and you would have obtained a lot of people praying for others!

Next, stop, think and appreciate God's power in your life, for doing what you know is pleasing to Him.

Jesus said, If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before My Father"

"Yes, I love my God. He is my fountain of Life and My Savior. He Keeps me going day and night. Without Him, I am no one. But with Him, I can do everything, Christ is my strength."

If you love God and you are not ashamed of all the great things that He has done for you, send (or share) this to everyone you know.

God loves you and watches over you everyday.

T.D. Jakes

I hope these words have been a blessing to you in some way. It contains words that are directed toward me and words that I know might bless others I know.

Thank you T. D. Jakes for these words of wisdom and to God who inspired him.

God Bless,

College Mom

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God Is Still In Control



After watching the 2008 presidential elections outcome, I stumbled upon some words that were very refreshing to my spirit. It said "It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in people". That reminds me that God is still in control no matter who becomes president. We need to pray for America and our new leader even if your choice of candidates was not chosen. The new president needs our prayers greatly.

I thought about writing my true negative feelings down but I decided to just think on something more positive and fill my heart with God's word. I was reminded of a powerful scripture that says " Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:9 ....and the God of peace shall be with you." When I thought of that scripture, I decided to think more positive about our new leader and our country. The word of God always has a way of giving me peace. I pray that these words have given you that same peace also. Remember, God is in Control.

God bless,
College Mom

Friday, January 4, 2008




Dear Children,

It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My name out of the season. How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you who have been blessed with children of your own. I don't care what you call the day. If you want to celebrate My birth, just get along and love one another. Now, having said that let Me go on. If it bothers you that the town in which you live doesn't allow a scene depicting My birth, then just get rid of a couple of Santa's and snowmen and put in a small Nativity scene on your own front lawn. If all My followers did that there wouldn't be any need for such a scene on the town square because there would be many of them all around town.

Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree. It was I who made all trees. You can remember Me anytime you see any tree. Decorate a grape vine if you wish: I actually spoke of that one in a teaching, explaining who I am in relation to you and what each of our tasks was. If you have forgotten that one, look up John 15: 1 - 8.

If you want to give Me a present in remembrance of My birth here is my wish list. Choose something from it:

1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My birthday is being celebrated, write letters of love and hope to soldiers away from home. They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year. I know, they tell Me all the time.

2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally. They just need to know that someone cares about them.

3. Instead of writing George complaining about the wording on the cards his staff sent out this year, why don't you write and tell him that you'll be praying for him and his family this year. Then follow up. It will be nice hearing from you again.

4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford and they don't need, spend time with them. Tell them the story of My birth, and why I came to live with you down here. Hold them in your arms and remind them that I love them.

5. Pick someone that has hurt you in the past and forgive him or her.

6. Did you know that someone in your town will attempt to take their own life this season because they feel so alone and hopeless? Since you don't know who that person is, try giving everyone you meet a warm smile; it could make the difference.

7. Instead of nit picking about what the retailer in your town calls the holiday, be patient with the people who work there. Give them a warm smile and a kind word. Even if they aren't allowed to wish you a "Merry Christmas" that doesn't keep you from wishing them one. Then stop shopping there on Sunday. If the store didn't make so much money on that day they'd close and let their employees spend the day at home with their families

8. If you really want to make a difference, support a missionary-- especially one who takes My love and Good News to those who have never heard My name.

9. Here's a good one. There are individuals and whole families in your town who not only will have no "Christmas" tree, but neither will they have any presents to give or receive. If you don't know them, buy some food and a few gifts and give them to a church or charity which believes in Me and they will make the delivery for you.

10. Finally, if you want to make a statement about your belief in and loyalty to Me, then behave like a Christian. Don't do things in secret that you wouldn't do in My presence. Let people know by your actions that you are one of mine. Don't forget; I am Jesus and can take care of Myself. Just love Me and do what I have told you to do. I'll take care of all the rest.

Check out the list above and get to work; time is short. I'll help you, but the ball is now in your court. And do have a most blessed Christmas with all those whom you love and remember.



Lord, Make Me A Blessing.

SELAH SPREADING GOD’S WORD THRU THE WEB! "Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred, and from ...